We are still in the Sea of Cortez for a few more days. We have no internet, so all of your emails and posts have been ignored, but we will update you all soon. Since leaving La Paz we have checked out some great spots. I am sending this post with the satellite weather to let you all know we are still out here!!
Check-in/OK message from SV Silver Lining SPOT
SV Silver Lining Latitude:24.15832 Longitude:-110.33444 GPS location Date/Time:03/19/2012 17:54:54 PDT
Message:Hanging out in La Paz.
Click the link below to see where I am located. http://fms.ws/7M4Eo/24.15832N/110.33444W
If the above link does not work, try this link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=24.15832,-110.33444&ll=24.15832,-110.33444&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
SV Silver Lining