Full Panama Canal Update

We found a real internet connection! So here is the full scoop on the Panama Canal.

The transit process started with several days worth of errands: scheduling, inspection, paying fees, hiring line handlers, renting ropes, scrounging up 10 used tires for fenders and stocking up on food, water and boat parts. We also checked out the Miraflores Locks Museum to get an idea of the process before attempting it on our boat. Once we were set, we were scheduled for transit almost immediately.

View of the Miraflores locks from the Museum

Tanker going through Miraflores Locks.

Panama City skyline


Lightning from the Balboa Yacht Club mooring field where we spent our last night in Panama City.

Panamax going under the Bridge of the Americas… from here it didn’t look like it would fit.

Deja and Jake

We were a little nervous going into our first set of locks. We shared the locks with a big container ship and it’s assisting tug boat. Both the ship and the tug must leave their propellers spinning while in the locks, so navigating through the tight space amongst their prop wash was tricky. We were side-tied to the tug, which was tied to the side wall. Its a very streamlined process, each lock only taking 8-10 minutes to fill/empty. I completely missed the lock doors closing on the first set because it happened while we were still tying off.

In the locks with the doors closed behind us!

Under the Bridge of the Americas!

Raising up towards the level of the lake.

Our lock-mate.

Side-tied to a tug.

Pulling in to the next set of locks.

Our defensive line.


One of the big lock doors.

Turbulence from Ocean Crystal’s prop.

Excited to be here? I think so!

Our first advisor, Carlos, was great.

They literally moved mountains to build the canal. This is in the cut moving towards the lake.

Our advisor’s other job, was as a crane operator for this dredge in the canal.

Lake Gatun traffic

Lake Gatun

Lake Gatun has lots of little islands, the remnants of hills and mountains that lived there long before the lake did.

Although many sail boats transit all three sets of locks (6 levels in total) in one day, we were scheduled for two, spending the night in Lake Gatun. We didn’t know this until we were already underway, which was a little awkward considering that our line handler, a local, had to spend the night with us on the boat. The official Canal advisor, who rides with us and oversees the process, is the only one allowed to get on or off the boat during transit. Fortunately, our line handler, Rey, was a nice guy and it provided a good opportunity for practicing our Spanish. The lake is actually quite beautiful: green and jungly. Elan saw a crocodile, and our advisor saw a toucan, though the rest of us missed it. As far as we know, this is the first time our boat has ever been in freshwater, 125 feet above sea level, none the less!

In the Banana Cut, a short cut in the Lake.

The Boys!

Our crew, Deja and Jake.

The Girls standing on our gigantic mooring bouy, where we spent the night in Lake Gatun.

What can I say about this one…?

A dip in the lake… aka swimming with the crocs.

The next morning we finished the last three locks, lowering us back down to sea level. We had one scary moment when our advisor asked us to start pulling through the lock doors before they were all the way open. The door started to suck us towards the wall as it opened, but Elan managed to correct the swing with just a gentle scuff of the dinghy against the wall. No harm done, but it made us a little wary of the advisors advice from then on, it was clear he had never captained a slow, full keel boat like ours.

Lowering back down to sea level

We tied cushions over all of our solar panels because in some cases lines have to be thrown from the high upper walls down to the boat, which sometimes damages fragile parts.

Canal de Panama!

Our second lock-mate, up close and personal!


Opening up…

The Hoeg containership was carrying 4000+ cars.

You can actually see the line where the water changes color as we pulled out of the last lock.

So just like that, we are in the Caribbean!! We spent one night at a Marina to sort our our tires and lines, and drop off our line handler.

Next we blasted off to the San Blas Islands. We thought it would be fun to show Deja and Jake what our overnight runs were like, so we left the marina just before sunset on the 90 mile run. Unfortunately, the wave direction was hitting us just wrong the entire night, making for a stomach churning ride. For the first time in my entire life, I was seasick. Deja, Jake and I all took turns bowing over the rail most of the night, as the rain came down, the lightning flashed and we navigated blind since our radar was being fickle. So much for showing them how fun overnight runs are!

We spent the next five days playing in the San Blas before Deja and Jake took off. Thats it for now, we’ll give you the full scoop on San Blas next time.

Take care,

Ashley & Elan




We Made It To Panama!

Making it to Panama is the first of one of our major trip goals, officially, marked off the to-do list. I think this milestone location calls for an…

Updated Stats Page!

Days since leaving: 131

Nautical miles covered: 3,988

Number of countries: 8 transited, 5 actually visited

Number of nights spent at sea: 25

Number of anchorages visited: 31

Number of marinas visited: 7

Longest stay in one place: Chiapas, 32 days

Shortest stay in one place: Herradura, 4 hours


We are safely tucked into an anchorage outside of Panama City. We arrived just before daybreak on Thursday morning after three nights at sea. We had intended to do a two night run from Golfito to Isla Cebaco, then a one nighter to Pan City, but things were going well, and we weren’t overly tired so we just pushed through in one swoop. Either we are getting better at these long runs, or its true what other cruisers say: the first night is the worst, and then you get into a groove and its easier (read: you are tired enough to nap a lot during the day, so you can stay up all night), let’s just go with the theory that we are getting better at it, shall we? We have worked our way into a pretty good overnight routine, each taking a 6 hour shift. Most folks we know do 3 or 4 hour shifts, but Elan and I both love our beauty sleep, and find that getting one long uninterrupted sleep is more restful. Plus, this means I can cafenate before my shift without worrying about it keeping me awake when its my turn to sleep.
En route we had our usual afternoon/evening thunder and squalls, but that has become a routine unto itself. The person on watch alerts the other when the squall is a few miles away; the other closes all hatches and windows; grabs rain gear and PFDs (lifejackets) if they aren’t already out and stands by to put out rain catcher buckets if necessary. I’d love to say that these rain catchers are outdoors, but alas, they are indoors, to catch the interior leaks and keep our bed from being soaked. Haha.
We made it around Punta Mala, an area known for bad weather and strong currents, without incident. The dolphins in that area are especially acrobatic. They slap their tails and will repeatedly jump out of the water next to our cockpit. If I ever had the choice to live as an animal, I’d want to be a dolphin- now there is a species who knows how to have fun! I would have taken a photo, but I have been forbidden to take any more pictures until our replacement camera arrives this week. Someone (who, me?) filled up all of the memory on Elan’s iPhone and the computer with photos on this trip. 🙂
We arrived to the canal zone a few hours before sunrise, and were amazed to see a city’s worth of lights floating outside the canal. Container ship, after container ship, anchored out and waiting their turn to transit the canal. We maneuvered around them, and sped across the canal entrance channel to our anchorage area.
We spent our first two days in the city doing our best to be legal in the country, but finding the check-in process confusing and cumbersome. After 5 office visits and numerous taxi rides around town, we have checked in with all three authorities.
Yesterday, I spent some time with a tube of 5200 doing my best to locate and fill any potential rain/salt water leak sources on deck. I was proud of my workmanship for a smug 30 minutes until a rain squall hit and clearly demonstrated that I missed the majority of them. Such is the life of a boat owner. I am happy to report that one of the few leaks that I DID manage to stop was above our galley table, which is great considering that it will Elan’s sister Deja’s sleeping place for the next two weeks.

Deja and Jake arrived from Seattle yesterday, and we will hopefully get the ball rolling on our canal transit in the next few days. Adventures await!!

An Anniversary
I realized today, that the beginning of June marked one year of living on the boat. When I mentioned it to Elan, his comedic answer (said in all seriousness) was “Wow, has it been a year already?….. That feels like forever ago”. Well said, my dear, a lot has happened in the last year.