Pouring rain

Figures that as the wind dies down, we get wet weather. We were/are planning on leaving late tonight. I guess we will see how the rain and fog work out. The next post should be from Mexico or our satellite tracker.


Coming together

We have finally put most of the boat back together. We still have a lot of organizing and stowing of gear to do, but the “deal killers” to leaving are gone. Tomorrow we are going to try to buy a solar panel and another battery and then dad is probably going home. There is a gale warning along the coast for tomorrow night and Tuesday, so leaving before Wednesday probably isn’t an option. I want the first leg to be an easy one and there isn’t any call to hurry. The 65 miles to Ensenada will make for one long day. Depending on wind we could be out ten to fifteen hours. Basically to make check in during the day we will probably leave at three in the morning and motor if we go below five and a half knots. Maybe we can anchor off of the Mexican Coronado Islands, and get an early start the following day, but so far no one I’ve talked to has done it. Anyhow, the boat an sail now an there isn’t a whole lot left that we absolutely have to get done. It’s been great having dad here, and Greg and Heather came in today to see us off. Today we all went to tour the USS Midway with dad’s uncle Dick and aunt Sue. Having them in town has been great as well. Dick is a great tour guide. Our satellite phone seems to be able to get texts at times, but because of the licensing issues in the USA we have not been able to make any phone calls. There are several of you on our list to get the number once I know it is working. I learned last night that it is very expensive for you to call us ($20-30/min), but free to text us, and we can call you back. All in all not really a bad thing. Everyone can still keep in touch. We will let you know when we are on the move again. Tomorrow I will update the Spot tracker. Talk to you all soon,
